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Liposuction, liposuction or liposculpture are surgical techniques that Dr. Scholz often performs in combination with other operations to perfect the cosmetic result.

It is very important to understand that liposuction was invented and established in any technique to achieve contour improvement.

Liposuction in detail


Liposuction (synonym: liposuction, fat removal surgery)


In the Safe Lipo process. Complex aesthetic operation to remove fatty tissue from the abdomen, legs and buttocks to shape the body contour.


min. 1 hour depending on the scope


General anesthesia




min. 1 day inpatient for more than 5 liters of fat


Useful if within 30% of the ideal weight.


Compression girdle 6 – 8 weeks. Repeated consultation until more than 1 year after surgery


after approx. 2 months

Socially acceptable

after approx. 2 – 4 weeks of work, recovery approx. 6 – 8 weeks

Sport & Leisure

No heavy lifting or sport for approx. 6 – 8 weeks. Light exercises after 2 – 4 weeks. No sun on scars, normal movement possible, showers and baths after approx. 5 days.


  • Experience
  • Introduction
  • Liposuction
  • Methods
  • Procedure of the surgery
  • Costs and prices
  • Healing process
  • Reasons
  • Conclusion


It takes many years of experience in addition to many years of specialized training as a plastic surgeon to understand the problem areas of liposuction and to achieve beautiful before and after results.

Dr. Scholz estimates that half of his patients are corrections for whom previous liposuction did not lead to the desired result and are now seeking help.

The patient’s age, medical history, ethnicity, skin quality and much more are factors that contribute significantly to how your skin and soft tissues will react to liposuction.

Some patients only require liposuction / liposculpture, while others need additional treatments to adjust the skin envelope to a harmonious contour.

Dr. Scholz cannot stress enough how important it is to leave this surgery to specialists. Errors or a lack of specialist knowledge lead to pronounced and deforming contour irregularities on the patient’s body.



This intervention of the ugs. Also known as fat-away surgery, this procedure uses specially developed cannulas and negative suction to remove fatty tissue from specific areas of the body.

Unfortunately, there are many misunderstandings and a number of common misconceptions about the possibilities of liposuction surgery. First of all, the liposuction technique is not difficult in principle.

Virtually no specialist training program offers further training in this operation. For this reason, many doctors attend weekend courses to learn liposuction or liposculpture techniques.

However, the mere ability to suction out fatty tissue under the skin is a long way from achieving an aesthetic improvement for you. Patients want a beautiful contour and a harmonious appearance of their body.

This is another reason why the American Society of Plastic Surgeons describes a number of patient requirements to ensure that the operation is and remains successful:

  • You have excess subcutaneous fat that you would like to remove from a specific area of your body.
  • You have already tried to lose weight by eating healthily and exercising regularly.
  • You are within 30 percent of your ideal body weight and have firm, elastic skin and good muscle tone.
  • You do not have a life-threatening illness or disease.
  • You are a non-smoker
  • You have a healthy attitude to life, regardless of your weight.


This aesthetic plastic surgery is a complicated procedure that requires sensitivity, experience and responsibility.

The right choice of method, surgical expertise and the correct identification of problem areas for each patient separately are important. In addition to an intensive medical history, the treatment plan and the doctor’s absolute concentration are particularly important for you.

Liposuction surgery is a major operation and should not be performed “during your lunch break”. Patients often underestimate the complexity of this procedure and the associated problems and risks.

Dr. Scholz will always give you serious advice and, in case of doubt, advise against this operation if your health could suffer as a result.

The following table shows you the problem areas during liposuction.



The technique used in fat removal surgery is very important for the immediate and long-term results as well as for the safety of the treatment.

Dr. Scholz uses only recognized, safe liposuction techniques and employs the Safe Lipo Method.

Ultrasonic laser

Ultrasound and laser-assisted liposuction are techniques that include a thermal component. This means that a laser, for example, is first and foremost just a heat source. This is dangerous, as heat in the tissue always involves a risk and can lead to the death of fatty tissue and / or skin.

A liposuction technique that uses heat to affect the tissue usually leaves behind a caked and stiff, almost “burnt” result (even without complications).

The skin and soft tissue adhere to the undersurface, which forces many patients to undergo revision and correction time and again. Fortunately, these liposuction techniques, which use lasers, ultrasound and heat, are no longer being pursued by the majority of plastic surgeons around the world (including myself).

Dr. Thomas Scholz - Your expert for liposuction

Dr. Thomas Scholz - Your expert for liposuction

Classic procedures

Traditional procedures (suction alone) are much safer, more effective, and generate more natural long-term results. An advanced new method is the Safe Lipo procedure, which was developed and established by Dr. Simeon Wall in Louisiana

After returning from the USA, Dr. Scholz began to successfully introduce and implement this new procedure in Germany. The process has the advantages:

Significantly improved results.
Successful with corrections.
Revisions of failed liposuction procedures.
Safe Lipo™ uses special cannulas and involves a 3-step treatment:

SAFE – Separation
Fat Equalization
This allows high-volume operations to be performed safely and effectively, consistently generating a harmonious and natural result.

Procedure of the surgery

Preliminary discussion

Consultation is extremely important for Dr. Thomas Scholz, especially for fat removal surgery. In addition to your personal expectations, your doctor must examine your physical requirements very carefully and discuss the treatment plan with you.

In our discreet private practice in the center of Munich, you will be advised in a small circle – long and personally without time pressure.

Your plastic surgeon Dr. Thomas Scholz looks forward to getting to know you personally.


The procedure is performed centrally in Munich in an excellent and discreet private clinic on Stiglmaierplatz. A highly trained medical staff combined with high-end operating theaters are the basis for the best results. You will be cared for in a pleasant atmosphere immediately after the operation.


Depending on the procedure and how many regions are to be treated, the operation takes different lengths of time.

Liposuction of less than 5 liters can be safely offered as an outpatient procedure, which means that you can go home the same day after a monitoring period in the recovery room.

The American Society of Plastic Surgery stipulates that liposuction of 5 liters or more requires an overnight stay in the clinic with appropriate monitoring.

After the operation, you will receive individual and very personal care until it is guaranteed that you have tolerated the operation well.

Follow-up examinations take place at regular intervals after the treatment in our private practice. The healing process as well as the course after the procedure is quite extensive depending on the type of treatment and localization.

For this reason, long-term follow-up examinations are a matter of course for our patients and make medical sense. In our eyes, this is an absolute service and a great pleasure for us to analyze the long-term results together with you.

We want to make sure that you still love your esthetic result decades later as much as you did on the first day.

Costs and prices

It is not possible to give a general indication of approximate costs or prices for this plastic surgery. You should be particularly critical of seemingly cheap offers from abroad.

If you have read this page carefully, it should be clear that only top doctors achieve the best results. Furthermore, no serious statement can be made without a personal visit.

Healing process

Patients usually recover very well after this aesthetic procedure. However, you must follow certain rules of conduct after the operation so that the treated tissue can recover and heal properly. Rarely do patients require pain medication for longer than 24-48 hours after treatment.

Sport and leisure after liposuction Lipoedema

Depending on the size of the anatomical area that has been treated, compression garments must be worn for at least 6 – 8 weeks. It is also very important not to exercise during this time.

During sport, blood flow increases throughout the body and the treated tissue cannot remove the increased blood flow sufficiently, which can lead to renewed swelling in the surgical area. If tissue swells and then swells again through exercise, this has a negative effect on the long-term result.

After the operation you should be able to carry out all your everyday activities. Depending on the size of the treatment, sunbathing, swimming pool, solarium, sport and heavy lifting ( > 5kg) should be avoided. Please contact us for further details.

Will I have scars?

The surgical incisions in this operation are only 5mm in size. As a result, scarring is minimal and usually almost invisible. The scars fade over time until only wafer-thin lines are visible, which are barely noticeable.

Exceptions are people who are prone to excessive scarring (keloids). If this is the case, you must discuss this with us. There are treatment options that can be used prophylactically before an operation.

How long does the treatment last?

The cosmetic results of liposuction last forever. The fat tissue that has been removed cannot be replaced by the body. The remaining fatty tissue can only enlarge in its cell structures.

This means that the fat that remains after liposuction and generates the new contour can cope with future weight fluctuations without generating any deformities.


If a young woman is treated for saddlebags or similar and subsequently gains 20 – 30 kg, the body will put on weight everywhere. If the treated areas did not follow the weight fluctuations, this young patient would later have dents and depressions in the area of the riding breeches compared to the rest of her body. Since this is not the case, liposuction must generally be considered an excellent method for long-term results.

Age for liposuction

Liposuction is not recommended for patients who are not yet fully developed, as the body shape has not yet fully stabilized. We only treat patients who are over 18 years old and in good general health.


  • Sport and diets without success
  • Desire for an attractive body line
  • Fat path in difficult areas of the body
  • Treatment of cellulite or lipedema
  • Dissatisfied after previous liposuction

Risks and side effects

In addition to the risk of an allergic reaction to possible local anesthetics, short-term risks include secondary bleeding, infections and thrombosis, among others. The occurrence is extremely rare, but regular follow-up checks should be carried out to be on the safe side.

Longer-term side effects can include scarring, contour irregularities, chronic pain or numbness. Described side effects and risks are very rare.


As a patient, you should realize that liposuction is not a simple aesthetic operation. Your doctor must have great expertise and experience in this field, as liposuction surgery is not part of surgical training.

Simply liposuctioning fat will not give you back an aesthetically pleasing figure. Dr. Thomas Scholz worked for many years in California USA and was trained there. It sets itself high standards for a wonderful figure for its patients. To this end, he has optimized techniques and methods and built up in-depth know-how.

Dr. Scholz Munich

  • Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon, University of California, USA
  • German specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery
  • Swiss specialist certification for plastic and aesthetic surgery
Picture credits © Christof Arnold

Picture credits © Christof Arnold


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Clinic Munich

Plastic surgeon
Dr. Thomas Scholz
Platzl 2
80331 Munich


Medical Experience

Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon, University of California, USA

German specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery

Swiss specialist accreditation for plastic and aesthetic surgery

Head of Signature Aesthetics – Southern California Plastic Surgery



Memberships with recognized cosmetic surgery associations
