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Über Dr. Scholz

Dr. Scholz, Plastischer Chirurg aus Südkalifornien, hat ein besonderes Interesse an ganzheitlichen Behandlungsansätzen sowie hochqualitativen und individuell zusammengestellte Therapieformen für seine Patienten.

Während der Ausbildung und Tätigkeit in den USA wurden viele Erfahrungen moderner Methoden der ästhetischen und plastischen Chirurgie gesammelt.

Nach seiner Rückkehr können Patienten in München Zentrum betreut werden. Daneben operiert Dr. Scholz für renommierte Kliniken in Deutschland und Schweiz. Dies ermöglicht Ihm seine Expertisen einem breiten Publikum zu ermöglichen.

Mittlerweile wurden von Ihm eigene Techniken und Behandlungsansätze entwickelt, welche wunderbare Ergebnisse erzielen und regelmäßig beste Bewertungen bei seinen Patienten erreichen.


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Meine Einstellung und

Aufgrund seiner Tätigkeit in Südkalifornien während der letzten neun Jahre ist Dr. Scholz überzeugt, dass Kundenservice das
höchste Gut seiner Praxis ist.

  • Es ist notwendig die Techniken und Algorithmen der Plastischen Chirurgie auf höchstem Niveau zu verstehen, um Behandlungspläne für jeden Patienten und gemeinsam mit dem Patienten zurecht zuschneiden.
  • Einer der sehr wichtigen Konzepte für ein überzeugendes Ergebnis für Dr. Scholz ist dem Patienten genauestens zu zuhören um die Wünsche, Sorgen, Fragen und Hoffnungen vollständig zu verstehen und auch umzusetzen.
  • Es ist ein faszinierender und besonders gewinnender Prozess mit einem extrem gut informierten Patienten zusammenzuarbeiten und gemeinsam eine Behandlungsstrategie zusammenzustellen, um Ihre ästhetischen und wiederherstellenden Ziele zu erreichen.


Dr. Scholz hat in Mainz, Deutschland, Humanmedizin studiert. Er hat seine allgemein chirurgische Ausbildung am Universitätsspital in Zürich, Schweiz, erhalten und hat sich anschließend für drei Jahre Vollzeit als Direktor des Forschungsinstituts und Zentrums für Tissue Engineering und Regenerative Medizin auf Grundlagenforschung konzentriert.

Er hat seine Forschungsergebnisse zusammen mit weltbekannten Forschern im Bereich der Nervenregeneration, Stammzelltechnologie, Mikrochirurgie, Brust Wiederherstellung, Patienten Sicherheit und Qualität, sowie Body Contouring unter vielen anderen veröffentlicht.


University of California

Anschließend absolvierte Dr. Scholz das sehr prestigeträchtige, sechs Jahre lange Ausbildungsprogramm für Plastische, Ästhetische und Rekonstruktive Chirurgie an der University of California Irvine in Kalifornien.

Diese besondere Form der Ausbildung stand nur 38 Bewerbern in der gesamten USA zur Verfügung und nur zwei davon waren für Nichtamerikaner vorgesehen.

Tätigkeit in Süd-Kalifornien, USA 

Es folgen diverse Stationen in den USA und praktische Tätigkeit als Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgeon, darunter im Raum Los Angeles, Südkalifornien.


Praxis München / Deutschland

Dr. Scholz ist sehr glücklich, dass er jetzt als Plastischer Chirurg in München wieder in seine Heimat zurückgekehrt ist und dass er ein Höchstmaß an Professionalität und Qualität seinen Patienten zukommen lassen kann.

Eröffnung eigener Praxis in München Zentrum – am Platzl 2.


Weitere Informationen

Nachfolgend ein Überblick an Veröffentlichungen, Arbeiten o.ä.

Abhandlungen – Arbeiten

  • Reichner D, Scholz T, Vanderkam V, Gutierrez S, Steward E, Evans GRD, Laser flap delay: Comparison of Erbium: YAG and CO2 Lasers, The American Surgeon 2003, 69(1): 69-72
  • Chalfoun C, Scholz T, Cole M, Steward E, Vanderkam V, Evans GRD, Primary nerve grafting: a study of revascularization, Microsurgery 2003, 23: 60-65
  • Müller MK, Wildi S, Scholz T, Clavien PA, Weber M, Laparoscopic Pouch Resizing and Redo of Gastro-Jejunal Anastomosis for Pouch Dilation following Gastric Bypass, Obesity Surgery 2005, 15 (8): 1089 – 95
  • Scholz T , Breitenstein S , Schäfer M, Decurtins M, Clavien PA, Laparoscopic partial splenectomy, J Am Coll Surg 2007, 204 (1): 179-81 [The first two authors should be considered co–first authors]
  • Scholz T, Hahnloser D, Dindo D, Hetzer F, Long Term Follow Up After Combined Fissurectomy And Botox-Injection For Chronic Anal Fissures, Int J Colorect Dis 2007, 22 (9): 1077-81
  • Köhler C, Niederbichler AD, Scholz T ,Bode B, Roos J , Jung F, Hoerstrup SP, Hellermann JP, Wedler V, Schould human chondrocytes fly – the impact of x-rays on chondrocytes and implication on the tissue engineering concept. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering; 2006, 29 (5-6): 415-20
  • Köhler C, Farshad M, Sen M, Scholz T, Künzi W, Wedler V, Clinical outcome and long-term follow-up after liposuction procedures. European Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2007 January; 29 (5): 209-215
  • Scholz T, Evans GR, Flap microcirculation: Effects of tissue manipulation and in situ preparation during soft tissue harvest. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2008 May; 24(4):277-83
  • Scholz T, Evans GR, Impact of hypertonic and hyperoncotic saline solutions on ischemia-reperfusion injury in free flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 July; 122(1):85-94
  • Köhler C, Niederbichler AD, Jung FJ, Scholz T, Labler L, Perez D, Jandali A, Comber M, Kunzi W, Wedler V, Wound therapy using the vacuum- assisted closure device: clinical experience with novel indications. J Trauma. 2008 Sept; 65(3): 722-31
  • Scholz T, Kretsis V, Kobayashi M, Evans, GR, Long-term outcomes after primary breast reconstruction using a vertical skin component for skin sparing mastectomy. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Dec; 122 (6): 1603-11
  • Scholz T, Waltzmann J, Wirth GA, Dyson SW, Owens WJ, Shanbrom E, Evans GR, Novel Cryoprecipitate for wound healing and skin grafts in rats. Int Wound J. 2008 Nov; 5: 490-501
  • Scholz T, Satyanarayan S, Dhar S, Evans GR, Correlation of rapid phenotypic changes and insulin production of differentiated human adipose tissue-derived stem cells. Ann Plast Surg. 2009 Oct; 63 (4): 436- 40
  • Kosins A, McConnell M, Mendosa C, Shepard B, Scholz T, Evans GR, Kierstead HS, A novel model to measure the regenerative potential of the peripheral nervous system after experimental immunological demyelination. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Jun;123 (6): 1688-96
  • Gharibjanian N, Chua WC, Dhar S, Scholz T, Shibuya TY, Evans GR, Calvert JW, Release kinetics of polymer-bound bone morphogenetic protein-2 and its effects on the osteogenic expression of MC3T3-E1 osteoprecursor cells. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Apr; 123 (4): 1169-77
  • Scholz T, Köhler C, Evans GR, Do effective meetings determine progress in research? Health Serv Manage Res. 2009 Nov; 22 (4): 197-200
  • Gharibjanian N, Chua WC, Dhar S, Scholz T, Shibuya TY, Evans GR, Calvert JW, Release kinetics of polymer-bound bone morphogenetic protein-2 and its effects on the osteogenic expression of MC3T3-E1 osteoprecursor cells. Reply. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009 Dec; 124 (6): 2200
  • Scholz T, Krichevsky A, Sumarto A, Jaffurs D, Wirth GA, Paydar K, Evans GR, Peripheral nerve injuries: an international survey of current treatments and future perspectives. J Reconstr Microsurg. 2009 Jul; 25 (6): 339-44
  • Evans GR, Salibian A, Scholz T, Midfacial reconstruction and radiation: case report and review of the literature. Craniomaxillofacial Trauma Reconstruction. 2010 Sept; 3 (3): 137-140
  • Rhim C, Scholz T, Salibian A., Evans GR, Orbital floor fractures: A retrospective review of 45 cases at a tertiary health care center. Craniomaxillofacial Trauma Reconstruction. 2010 March; 3 (1): 41-47
  • Scholz T, Pharaon M, Evans GR, Peripheral nerve anatomy for regeneration studies in pigs: feasibility of large animal models. Ann Plast Surg. 2010 July; 65 (1): 43-47
  • Waltzman JT, Scholz T, Evans GR, What Patients Look for When Choosing a Plastic Surgeon: An Assessment of Patient Preference by Conjoint Analysis. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2011 June; 66 (6): 643-647
  • Scholz T, Rogers JM, Krichevsky A, Dhar S, Evans GR, Inducible Nerve Growth Factor Delivery for peripheral Nerve Regeneration in vivo. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2010 December; 126 (6): 1874-1889
  • Pharaon M, Scholz T, Bogdanoff S, Cuccia D, Durkin A, Hoyt DB, Evans GR, Early Detection of Complete Vascular Occlusion in a Pedicle Flap Model Using Quantitation Spectral Imaging. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2010 December; 126 (6): 1924-1935
  • Yafi A, Vetter TS, Scholz T, Patel S, Saager RB, Cuccia DJ, Evans GR, Durkin AJ, Postoperative quantitative assessment of reconstructive tissue status in a cutaneous flap model using spatial frequency domain imaging. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2011 January; 127 (1): 117-130.
  • Kosins A, Scholz T, Mendoza C, Lin P, Shepard B, Evans GR, Keirstead HS, Improvement of peripheral nerve regeneration following immunological demyelination in vivo. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2011 May; 127 (5): 1813-1819
  • Scholz T, Sumarto A, Krichevsky A, Evans GR, Neuronal differentiation of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells for peripheral nerve regeneration in vivo. Arch Surg. 2011 June; 146 (6): 666-674
  • Kosins AM , Scholz T , Cetinkaya M, Evans GR, To drain or not to drain? Evidence-based value of prophylactic drainage of subcutaneous wounds: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2013 August; 132 (2): 443-450 [The first two authors should be considered co–first authors]
  • Salibian A, Scholz T, Smartphones in Surgery. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2011 Dec 2(4): 473-486
  • Vetter ST, Mowlds DS, Scholz T, Nam SB, Lin F, Owens JW, Dey D, Wirth GA, Evans GR. Enhanced Cryoprecipitate for skin graft and donor site wound healing in pigs. Int Wound J. 2014, April 11 (2): 169-76
  • Scholz T, Salibian A, Gu M, Lane K, Paydar KZ, Evans GR. Osteosarcoma of the Chest Wall Presenting as Heterotopic Ossification of the Breast. Plastic Surgery Educational Network. 2013, April, Online Course
  • Rimler JC, Scholz T, Shbeeb A, Chua W, Wirth G, Paydar KZ. The Incidence of venous thrombembolism in postoperative plastic and reconstructive surgery patients with chronic spinal cord injury. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2011 Dec 128 (6): 1230-1235
  • Scholz T. Evidence Based Medicine: from Science to Patient (Editorial). J Tissue Sci Eng. 2012, October12, 3: e113 (doi: 10.41272/2157-7552.1000e113)
  • Kosins A, Scholz T, Lin M, Evans GR, Keirstead HS, Immunological demyelination enhances nerve regeneration after acute transaction injury in the adult rat sciatic nerve. Annals of Plastic Surgery. 2012 Mar; 68 (3): 290-294
  • Ponticorvo A, Taydas E, Mazahr A, Scholz T, Kim H, Rimler J, Evans GR, Cuccia DJ, Durkin AJ, Quantitative assessment of partial vascular occlusion in a swine pedicle flap model using spatial frequency domain imaging. Biomdedical Optics Express. 2013 Jan; 4 (2): 298-306
  • Olaya W, Tracy L, Clark E, Scholz T, Laurence V, Paydar PZ, Wirth GA, Evans GR, Reconstruction of the anterior skull base with radial forearm free tissue transfer: case series and literature review. (in press)
  • Scholz T, Brandt K, Evans GR, Current concepts in patient safety; leading edge CME. lastic and Reconstructive Surgery. (in press)
  • Rimler J, Ponticorvo A, Taydas E, Mazhar A, Scholz T, Ellstrom CL, Tong J, Evans GR, Cuccia D, Durkin AJ, A critical evaluation of human perception in conventional flap monitoring versus spatial frequency domain imaging. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2014 Oct; 134 (4S-1 Suppl): 73
  • Scholz T, Ellstrom C, Wirth GA, Evans GR. Reconstruction of open distal tibia fracture. Plastic Surgery Educational Network. 2014, October, Online Course
  • Scholz T, Letter to the editor Review of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Aesthetic Society News. 2014, Volume 18, Number 3, page 13
  • Salibian A, Mowlds D, Scholz T, Paydar KZ, Wirth GA, The impact of acellular dermal matrix on capsular contracture in breast reconstruction. (in press)
  • Michael R. Pharaon, Thomas Scholz, Gregory R.D. Evans: “Tissue Engineering” (Chapter 12), Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Springer Specialist Surgery Series, Eds.: Maria Z. Siemionow, Marita Eisenmann-Klein, 1st Edition, 2010, XVII, ISBN: 978-1-84882-512-3, Hardcover, Springer
  • Thomas Scholz, Donald Mowlds, Garrett Wirth, Al Aly: “Belt lipectomy/circumferential abdominoplasty” (Chapter 32), Body Contouring and Liposuction, Eds.: J. Peter Rubin, Mark L. Jewell, Dirk F. Richter, Carlos O. Uebel, 1st Edition, 2013, Elsevier, Imprint: Saunders, ISBN: 978-1-4557-0544-3
  • Thomas Scholz, Al Aly: “Brachioplastik” (Chapter VIII-1b) Aesthetische Chirurgie, Verlag ecomed MEDIZIN, 27. Ergaenzungslieferung Eds.: von Heimburg, Lemperle, Landsberg, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-609-76842-7
  • Ara Salibian, Thomas Scholz: “Smartphones in Surgery” (Page 377 – 390) Advances in Engineering for Surgery – from information-guide surgery to cell based medicine, Eds: Ming-Chien Chyu, 1st Edition, July 2013, Multi-Science Publishing Co. Ltd, United Kingdom, ISBN: 978-1-907132-43-8

Ausgewählte Präsentationen

  • Scholz T, Wunsch A, Moench C, Wunsch M, Otto G, “Verbesserung der hepatischen Organperfusion durch Infiltration des Lig. hepatoduodenale mit Lidocainlösung bei der Hilus-praeparation im Rahmen der Leberexplantation beim Schwein”, Annual Meeting of the German Transplantation Society, October 26th – 28th, 2000, Regensburg, Germany; ransplantationsmedizin 2000 (Suppl):168
  • Scholz T, Wunsch A, Moench C, Wunsch M, Otto G, „Verbesserung der hepatischen Organperfusion durch Infiltration des Lig. hepatoduodenale mit Lidocain- und Papaverinlösung bei der Hilus-präparation im Rahmen der Leberexplantation beim Schwein, Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Surgery, June 14th -16th, 2001, Graz, Austria; Acta Chirurgica Austriaca, European Surgery 2001(Suppl. No. 175 ): 97a
  • Scholz T, Soccorro G, Steward E, Vanderkam V, Evans GRD, “Primary and nerve graft repair: a study of revascularization”, Annual meeting of the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, 12th -15th January, 2002, Cancun, Mexico
  • Scholz T, Müller M, Wildi S, Weber M, “Redo surgery after bariatric procedures”, 14th World Congress of IASG, 9th –12th, September, 2004, Zürich, Switzerland
  • Scholz T, Wunsch A, Otto G, “Improvement of the hepatic organ perfusion by infiltration of the hepatoduodenal ligament with lidocaine and papaverine solutions during in situ hilus preparation within the scope of organ harvest in pigs”, Annual Meeting of the German Transplantation Society, October 21st -23rd , 2004, Kiel, Germany; ransplantationsmedizin 2004 (Suppl): 27
  • Scholz T, Hetzer, F, Hahnloser D, Clavien PA, Demartines N, “Long term follow up after combined fissurectomy and Botox-injection for chronic anal fissures” Annual Meeting of the Swiss society for Surgery, Swiss society for Thoracic Surgery and Swiss society for Heart and Vascular Surgery, June 8th -10th, 2005, Zürich, Switzerland.
  • Scholz T, Hetzer F, Demartines N, Hahnloser D, “Long term follow up after combined fissurectomy and Botox-injection for chronic anal fissures” Tripartite Colorectal Meeting: The Royal Dublin Society, July 5th -7th, 2005, Dublin, Ireland
  • Scholz T, Krichevsky A, Evans GRD, “Tissue engineering of peripheral nerves: evaluation of a regulatory system for nerve growth factor”, Grandround, September 11th, 2007, University Hospital Hannover, Department for Plastic, Hand, and Reconstructive Surgery, Hannover, Germany
  • Satyanarayan S, Scholz T, Dhar S, Evans GRD, “Islet cell differentiation of human adipose-derived stem cells”, MSC 2007 (Adult mesenchymal stem cells in regenerative medicine), August 2007, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
  • Scholz T, Evans GRD, “Therapeutic Cloning: Where do we go from here?”, Arthur Sackler Colloquia of the National Academy of Science, October 2007, Irvine, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Rogers JM, Krichev A, Evans GR, “Inducible Nerve Growth Factor Delivery for peripheral Nerve Regeneration”, Annual Meeting of the American Society for Peripheral Nerves, January 11th – 14th, 2008, Beverly Hills, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Evans GR, “Impact of hypertonic-hyperoncotic saline solution on ischemia-reperfusion injury in free tissue transfer in rats”, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, January 12th -15th, 2008, Beverly Hills, California, USA
  • Aaron M Kosins, Thomas Scholz, Charles Mendoza, Gregory RD Evans, Hans S Antibodies to Galactocerebroside Enhance Nerve Regeneration After Acute Injury in the Peripheral Nervous System. Plastic Surgery Research Council, 2008.
  • Aaron M. Kosins, Thomas Scholz, Gregory RD Evans, Hans S. Keristead. Immunologic Demyelination as a Novel Therapy Following Acute Injury in the Peripheral Nervous System: A Summary of our Experience. American Society for Peripheral Nerve, 2009.
  • Pharaon M, Cuccia DJ, Scholz T, Evans GR, Durkin AJ, “Measurement of vascular occlusion effects in a pedicle flap model using modulated imaging”, SPIE Biomedical Optics Symposium, January 24th – 29th, 2009, San Jose, California, USA
  • Pharaon M, Scholz T, Bogdano S, Cuccia DJ, Durkin AJ, Hoyt DB, Evans GR, “Early detection of venous thrombosis in a rodent pedicle flap model”, Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons, January 16th – 18th, 2009, Santa Barbara, California, USA
  • Waltzman J, Scholz T, Evans GR, “What Patients Look for When Choosing a Plastic Surgeon: An Assessment of Patient Preference by Conjoint Analysis”, Plastic Suergery Research Council, May 28th – 30th 2009, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Lin MP, Scholz T, Lin P, Krichevsky A, Sumarto A, Jaffurs D, Wirth GA, Paydar KZ, Evans GRD. “Peripheral Nerve Injuries: An International Survey of Current Treatments and Future Perspectives”, 59th Annual Meeting of California Society of Plastic Surgeons, May 28th – 31st, 2009, Squaw Valley, CA, USA
  • Scholz T, Pharaon M, Evans GR, “Peripheral Nerve Anatomy for Regeneration Studies in Pigs: Fesability of large Animal Models”, Annual Meeting of the American Society for Peripheral Nerves, January 08 th – 11th, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA
  • Scholz T, Kosins A, Evans GR, To drain or not to drain? Evidence-based value of prophylactic drainage of subcutaneous wounds: a systematic review and meta-analyses, California Society of Plastic Surgeons, May 28th – 30th, 2010, Palos Verdes, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Sumarto A, Krichevsky A, Evans GR, “Neuronal differentiation of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells for peripheral nerve regeneration in vivo”, Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Surgical Association, February 13th – 16th, 2010, Maui, Hawaii, USA
  • Scholz T, Kosins A, Cetinkaya M, Evans GR, “Evidence-based value of prophylactic subcutaneous drainage in plastic surgery: systematic review andmeta-analysis”, 60th Annual Meeting of the California Society of Plastic Surgeons, May 27th – 31st, 2010, Rancho Palos Verdes, California, USA
  • Pharaon M, Scholz T, Bogdano S, Cuccia DJ, Durkin AJ, Hoyt DB, Evans GR, “Early detection of complete vascular occlusion in a pedicle flap model using quantitative spectral imaging”, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, January 12th – 17th, 2011, Cancun, Mexico
  • Scholz T, Sumarto A, Krichevsky A, Evans GR, “Neuronal differentiation of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells for peripheral nerve regeneration in vivo”, Furnas Lectureship, February 25th, 2011, Newport Beach, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Donovan PJ, Evans GR, “Molecular characteristics and transfection of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells for peripheral nerve regeneration”, Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council, April 27th, 2011, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
  • Scholz T, Donovan PJ, Evans GR, “Molecular characteristics and transfection of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells for peripheral nerve regeneration”, Furnas Lectureship, February 7th, 2012, Newport Beach, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Donovan PJ, Evans GR, “Molecular characteristics and transfection of human adipose tissue-derived stem cells for peripheral nerve regeneration”, California Society of Plastic Surgeons, 62nd Annual Meeting, May 25th – 28th, 2012, Coronado, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Salibian A, “Smartphones in Surgery”, California Society of Plastic Surgeons, 62nd Annual Meeting, May 25th – 28th, 2012, Coronado, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Salibian A, Gu M, Lane K, Paydar KZ, Evans GR, “Association of osteosarcomas with breast implant capsules: case report and review of the literature”, California Society of Plastic Surgeons, 62nd Annual Meeting, May 25 – 28th, 2012, Coronado, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Kohan E, Paydar KZ, Hansen S, Roostaeian J, Gradinger G, “Long term effects of breast aging in patients with implants: analysis of breast aesthetics from before augmentation to after explantation”, California Society of Plastic Surgeons, 62nd Annual Meeting, May 25th – 28th, 2012, Coronado, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Kohan E, Kosins A, Shajan J, Jaffurs D, Wirth G, Paydar KZ, “Fixation of the medial canthal tendon using the Mitek anchor system”, California Society of Plastic Surgeons, 62nd Annual Meeting, May 25th – 28th, 2012, Coronado, California, USA
  • Scholz T, “Distraction osteogenesis of rib grafts for managing severely hypoplastic mandibles”, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Institute, Grand Rounds (CME), December 10th, 2012, Orange, California, USA
  • Scholz T, “Skin care protocols before facial resurfacing: what works and what doesn’t”, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Institute, Grand Rounds (CME), May 20th, 2013, Orange, California, USA
  • Scholz T, “Controlling biofilm formation in gel breast implants”, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Institute, Grand Rounds (CME), Jan 27th, 2014Orange, California, USA
  • Scholz T, “Selective release of the pectoralis major tendon for breast reconstruction”, Orange County Society of Plastic Surgeons, Oct 6th, 2014, Newport Beach, California, USA
  • Scholz T, Rimler J, Ponticorvo A, Taydas E, Mazhar A, Ellstrom CL, Tong J, Evans GR, Cuccia D, Durkin AJ, “A critical evaluation of human perception in conventional flap monitoring versus spatial frequency domain imaging”, American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS, The Meeting), October 11th 2014, Chicago, Ilinois, USA

Auszeichnungen und Stipendien

  • 2nd Prize Resident Paper Presentation. Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons, Southern California Chapter, Santa Barbara, California, 18 – 20 January 2002. Reichner D, Scholz T, Vanderkam V, Socorro G, Steward E, Evans GRD. Laser flap delay: Comparison of ER: YAG and CO2
  • Research grant of the “Swiss National Foundation”, Title: „Tissue engineering of peripheral nerves: evaluation of a regulatory system for nerve growth factor“, Scholz T, 2006
  • Research grant of the “Swiss National Foundation”, Title: „Tissue engineering of peripheral nerves: differentiation of human adipose tissue-derived stromal cells in vivo“, Scholz T, 2007
  • “American Society of Maxillofacial Surgery” Merck Scholarship Grant, Scholz T, 2007
  • UROP Fellowship Award by the University of California, Irvine, Title: “Tissue Engineering Constructs for Peripheral Nerve Injuries”, Scholz T, Andrew Sumarto, 2007
  • UROP Fellowship Award by the University of California, Irvine, Title: “Early detection of venous thrombosis after myocutaneous free flaps using modulated imaging in pigs”, Scholz T, Mary Kwong, 2007
  • NIH-RO3: 1 R03 EB009451-01. Title: “Impact of hypertonic- hyperoncotic saline solutions on ischemia reperfusion injury”, (approval date: 03/04/2009), Anthony Durkin, Gregory Evans, Thomas Scholz, 2009
  • UROP Fellowship Award by the University of California, Irvine, Title: “Possible Applications of eCryo for Wound Healing and Skin Grafts in Pigs”, Thomas Scholz, Mary M. Kwong, 2009
  • F1000 (Faculty of 1000) “Prime”-recommended article: Kosins AM , Scholz T , Cetinkaya M, Evans GR, To drain or not to drain? Evidence-based value of prophylactic drainage of subcutaneous wounds: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2013 August; 132 (2): 443-450 [ The first two authors should be considered co–first authors]
  • The Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation – Annual Meeting Travel Scholarship, Scholz T, 2014
  • Best Paper – Resident Competition: “Assessing reconstructive flaps: a comparison between visual perception and spatial frequency domain imaging”, Ellstrom C, Ponticorvo A, Taydas E, Mazhar A, Rimler J, Kim H, Scholz T, June T, Evans GR, Cuccia D, Durkin AJ, California Society of Plastic Surgeons, 64th annual meeting, May 23-26, Newport Beach, CA, 2014
  • PRS: 10 most-read articles of 2013: Kosins AM , Scholz T , Cetinkaya M, Evans GR, To drain or not to drain? Evidence-based value of prophylactic drainage of subcutaneous wounds: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Plastic and Reconstructive 2013 August; 132 (2): 443-450 [ The first two authors should be considered co–first authors], 2014

Dr. Scholz München

  • Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon, University of California, USA
  • Deutscher Facharzt für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie
  • Schweizer Facharzt-Anerkennung für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie
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Bildnachweis © Christof Arnold

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Plastischer Chirurg
Dr. Thomas Scholz
Platzl 2
80331 München



Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgeon, University of California, USA

Deutscher Facharzt für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie

Schweizer Facharzt-Anerkennung für Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie 

Leitung Signature Aesthetics – Southern California Plastic Surgery


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